Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Long Time No Blog (Art School Series)

Hey guys! I can't believe it's October already! Well anyways in the last post I promised you pictures of some of my projects I've been working on.

Design I is a 2D design class. During the first half of the class we work with Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. The second half of the class is dedicated to hands on work. Our first project involved making repeating patterns.

Hand drawn repeating patterns
Created with Illustrator 

Created with Illustrator

Created with Illustrator
Drawing I is a class where we learn about all the intricacies of drawing from value and shading to perspective. We start out with still lives and near the end of the semester will begin working with models.
A drapery study
Vine Charcoal

Visual Thinking is a class that prepares us to create our thesis when we become upperclasswomen. We are given a prompt and from that prompt we have to create a piece of art. We also have to do research to support our piece.

oil paint and pastel

I've also had time to create some art for myself.

Owl Eye Study
Colored Pencil

Owl Beak Study
Colored Pencil

Riptide (photo by Kelly Cosby)
Black and White Charcoal

Some of these will be up on my Etsy store in November so keep an eye out!