Monday, June 2, 2014

Paying Job + Art = Happy Maddy

Heyo! So a couple weeks ago I got my first (paying) job. Yay! Now I know this is a mundane thing for some but the reason I'm so happy is that I'm actually being paid to do art. In the past I have done some simple graphic design work for my mom's work but did not get paid for it (unless you count Applebee's ;)) My job is painting old glass bottles so you can see the logo and name of the company.
I get paid 5 to 15 dollars for each bottle depending on the difficulty. The man I'm doing this for is writing a book on the old bottling companies in Harrisburg, PA. I may post some pictures of my work if he's okay with it.
So what does this have to do with model horses? Well after a couple bottles I saved enough to buy my own resin! Yay! I now longer have to rely on my parent's good will if I want to buy a resin and that is an amazing feeling.
Draft Mare by Deborah McDermott (photo from her Etsy ad)
I'm hoping to do her as a portrait of Zena a bay roan mare at Chasing Rainbows, the stable where I volunteer. In any case I can't wait to receive her!